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Los Angeles Unified School District

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    Message about School Closures from Mr. Beutner Posted 6/8/20
    云豹加速器下载-云豹加速器正式版下载[加速器]-华军软件园:2021-5-19 · 云豹加速器正式版是款可以为用户们提供网络畅游服务的加速工具。云豹加速器最新版提供多条国际线路可以选择,一键连接就可以畅游全球。提供独有的技术提高网络速度;同时还可以为用户提供强力的安全加密系统。云豹加速器每天为你进行准时的内容推荐,其中有着更加稳定的网页加载服务 ... Posted 6/5/20
    精灵IP-代理ip_代理ip软件_国内知名网络ip修改加速器和http ...:2021-6-15 · 精灵IP,国内最靠谱的动态IP加速器软件,迅速软件是知名的代理ip,网络加速器,IP精灵,http代理,转换ip软件,ip修改器的供应平台,低价格,套餐灵活,安全稳定,不限带宽流量. Posted 3/13/20
    Enroll Now!

    This is an online pre-enrollment application for new students entering Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten through 5th grade. This pre-enrollment application is 坚果加速器电脑版下载_坚果加速器破解版2021下载 - 全方位下载:2021-10-1 · 坚果加速器电脑版是一款支持多设备系统进行加速的电脑加速器。支持国外服务器的网络加速,可以通过登录国外的服务器来体验到那些目前还没有在国内开放的游戏!浏览国内视频,直播、音乐等各大主流平台,全线加速,拒绝卡顿,操作简单,适用性强。

    Before you begin this application process enter your current address in the Resident School Finder button. After your verify your school of residence please continue on to the LAUSD Student Enrollment button. 

    Resident School Finder
    LAUSD Student Enrollment
     Congrats 5th & 6th Grade Tigers!


    有些国外网络进不了怎么办 我想进国外的网站可是进:2021-6-13 · 有些国外网络进不了怎么办 我想进国外的网站可是进 来自:百科 更新日期:2021-06-13 首先需要给电脑安装百度浏览器,直接在百度中搜索下载,也可以直接从小编所提供的网盘中获取最新版本的 …

    Live the life you have imagined" Thoreau 🐯 🎓



    We are so proud of our Tiger Class of 2020!!!

    We wish you luck in the future!


    Teacher Appreciation 2019/2020

    “One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can

    change the world.” –Malala Yousafzai 🐯🍎

    Tiger Class Dojo
    LAUSD Schoology
    LAUSD Clever


    We are are now enrolling for the 20/21 School Year! Please call our main office for more information 310-323-1029
    Tiger Enrollment Flyers
    国外 访问 国内网络 如何加速或者优化? - V2EX:2021-6-11 · 宽带症候群 - @hongzhng - 人在国外,访问国内的网络有时候还挺慢的. 不太想用别人卖的加速器.所以想请问下有什么能自己动手加速的办法么? (建 VM+代理?) 谢谢了. *我现在有 Azure 国外的一些 …
    We are are now enrolling for our Kinder through Third Grade Spanish Dual Language Program for the 20/21 School Year! Please call our main office for more information 310-323-1029
    Dual Language Flyers


    153rd Street Elementary School is a Kindergarten through Fifth Grade school in the Los Angeles Unified School District. We have a Kindergarten through Third Grade Spanish Dual Langauge Program and a Kindergarten through Fifth Grade Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program.

    At 153rd Street Elementary School we respect the equal worth and dignity of all students, parents, teachers, and staff.  Parents, teachers, and staff are committed to empowering all students to participate fully in a multicultural and technologically advanced society. We, the school community of 153rd Street Elementary, have high academic and social expectations and equip all of our students with 21st Century Skills that will enable them to succeed in an evolving global society.

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